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The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, Wonderfully Wild. The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, Wonderfully Wild.
Teddy Bear Cholla, Jumping Cholla at The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens. Click to see more.

Teddy Bear Cholla, Jumping Cholla

Cylindropuntia bigelovii


Cactaceae, Cactus Family


Stem succulent to 3 to 5 feet tall


Sonoran Desert and warmer regions of Mohave Desert in southeastern California, southwestern Arizona, western Sonora and Baja California


Sandy flats, gravelly to rocky washes, bajadas and hillsides below 3,000 feet elevation

Living Desert Location

Ethnobotanic Garden, Upper Colorado Garden, Yuman Garden


Since this species usually makes no viable seed, it relies on detached segments to form new plants by rooting and growing.
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