Please note: All non-member Zoo tickets must be pre-purchased online or at the onsite kiosks.
The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, Wonderfully Wild. The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, Wonderfully Wild.
Desert Willow at The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens. Click to see more.

Desert Willow

Chilopsis linearis


Bignoniaceae, Bignonia Family


Large shrub; medium tree to 30 feet tall by 30 feet wide


Sonora, Mojave and Chihuahua deserts of southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico to 5,000 feet


Desert washes

Living Desert Location

Ethnobotanic Garden, Wortz Demonstration Garden, MacDonald Butterfly Garden, Upper Colorado Garden, throughout the grounds


The flowers are pollinated by bees and attractive to hummingbirds. The seeds provide forage for birds such as Gambelâs quail.
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