African Wild Dog puppies on habitat at The Living Desert African Wild Dog puppies on habitat at The Living Desert

African Wild Dog Pupdate #8

Pupdate #8

July 2, 2019

The 2,000+ votes are in and the winner is…. Mikumi! Our female African wild dog puppy now has a name thanks to you!

The puppies are named:

- Mikumi (me-KOO-mee)
- Chobe (cho-beh)
- Arli (ar-lee)
- Zakouma (za-koo-ma)
- Faro (Far-oh)
- Digya (dig-yah)

Each puppy’s name plays homage to African National Parks that were either historically home to African wild dogs or still have small populations of the species. Mikumi is the National Park in Tanzania. At one time, it was estimated African wild dogs roamed in large numbers in 39 countries across Africa; however, today, the species has likely been eliminated from as many as 20 of those countries.

The litter was born on April 24, 2019 to first-time parents, Beatrix and Kiraka. The entire pack is out on habitat and can be seen by guests. The puppies are most active during the early morning hours playing, wrestling, and running.

Thank you for voting and visit us soon!


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