Kit Fox
Vulpes macrotisFamily
Canidae, dog and coyote familyConservation Status
Least Concern, IUCNDistribution
Southwestern United States and northern and central MexicoHabitat
Desert scrub, chaparral, and grasslandsFactoid
Kit foxes are the smallest member of the family Canidae in North AmericaA very small, pale, yellowish colored fox with big ears, pointed nose and long bushy black-tipped tail. Being so small (3-4 lbs.), it is often confused with a coyote pup. Kit fox is about 15-20 inches long, gray fox 20-30 inches. Light sandy color (camouflage), heavily furred feet (for getting about on loose sand), great speed for short distances, agility of a cat combined with keen senses of hearing and smell, all add up to making the kit fox a most capable nocturnal predator on desert dunes. Big ears help to dissipate heat in desert environment.
They like to rework a kangaroo rat burrow or dig its own in the sand, among the roots of a creosote bush or other plants for support. Burrow serves as protection from daytime desert heat and aridity, wind and sandstorms. Burrow provides safety for young. Nocturnal. Active all year, does not hibernate.