Panthera oncaFamily
Felidae, the cat familyConservation Status
Endangered, USF&W Near threatened, IUCNDistribution
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and from Mexico all the way down to Patagonia.Habitat
Forest, swamps, grasslands and mountainous areas.Factoid
Jaguars are the largest cats in the Americas and the only representative of the genus PantheraJaguars come in many sizes and colors with spots on the head, neck and legs, and rosettes on the rest of the body. The overall coat of a jaguar is typically pale yellow, tan, or reddish yellow above, and generally whitish on the throat, belly, insides of the limbs, and underside of the tail, with prominent dark spots or blotches throughout. Each jaguar’s marking are different, just like our fingerprints. Adults weigh on average 80-250 lbs. They measure about 30 inches at the shoulder and are about six feet long plus a 30-inch tail. Jaguars have a relatively robust head, compact but muscular body, short limbs and tail, and powerfully-built chest and forelegs. Its skin color and patterned coat aid in camouflage. Its long tail helps it balance when running and turning sharply. Jaguars have a large head specially equipped for piercing the skull of their prey with their canines.